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  Latest News from ASQA

Resources from the 2017 Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) Training Provider Briefings are now available. ASQA ran a series of briefing sessions across the country and online from April to June 2017 focused on the authority’s new student-centred audit approach. The National VET Regulator also released statements regarding Careers Australia Group, Gurkhas Institute of Technology and The Australian Academy of Business.

  Skills@Work May Update

The May 2017 edition of Skills@Work includes a message from the Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills the Hon. Karen Andrews regarding the 2017 Budget, articles on Skills Service Organisations (SSOs), the 2017 Australia–India Education and Skills Mission, a review of recent Vocational Education and Training (VET) research and events, industry news, sector movements and ‘Faces of Excellence’ profiles.

  A Strategic Approach to Digital Learning Environments

Throughout November and December, Velg Training is featuring five National VET Conference sessions as webinars. This is great news for anyone who may have missed the NVC or needs a refresher on the content. The next topic on this list covers digital learning environments, their strategic importance and how to maximise student and staff engagement with this emerging area.

  12 Brand New VelgCasts: Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF)

The Australian Core Skills Framework is an important tool for VET Practitioners looking to assist and upskill learners. Different to foundation skills and the AQF, the ACSF has various uses and can be used in conjunction with other existing frameworks and tools to identify specific work performance standards.

  #2021NVC: Designing and Delivering Engaging Learning

This year's National VET Conference brings to you a range of key learning categories. Each of these enable you to select areas that are of importance to YOU and your RTO and make your professional development experience one of VALUE to your needs. Let's take a look at some Training/Student Engagement topics ....

  NCVER: Podcast - Skill sets: their role now and into the future (2020)

Vocational Voices S4, Episode 2 - Steve Davis talks to NCVER Managing Director Simon Walker and Jenny Lambert, Director Employment, Education & Training at the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. They start by defining what skill sets and micro-credentials actually are and the role they currently play in the VET system.

  CEDEFOP: Teachers and trainers in a changing world (2022)

This 2022 synthesis paper published by CEDEFOP points out that “teachers and trainers are at the frontline of VET delivery.” To do their job effectively requires that “they (re)skill and upskill towards future-oriented competences, which they can then pass on to students.”

  AQTF Framework - Victoria only

Before the introduction of the Standards for RTOs 2015, the AQTF outlined compliance requirements for the registration and operation of RTOs in Australia. Now, the AQTF (in conjunction with the ‘2016 VRQA Guidelines for VET Providers’) is only used by RTOs under the jurisdiction of the VRQA.

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