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  Last Chance to Register for the 2021 VET CEO Conference!

Are you a Key Decision Maker for an RTO? Then don't miss next week's VET CEO Conference and an opportunity to explore critical components for future-proofing your business and strengthening your networks with others just like you!

  New Design and QR Code for the USI VET Transcript

We are pleased to announce the enhanced USI VET transcript which now includes a QR code that provides students a contemporary way to allow third parties to view their training records in a professional looking design.

  VET in Schools Data Shows a Shift in Enrolment Trends

Recent VET in Schools data shows that, whilst there has been a decline in uptake of Certificate I programs, there has been a significant increase in students enrolling in Certificate III level qualifications.

  Making Your Voice Heard to Improve Our VET Sector

Andrew Shea, VET Education and Training Specialist and Advisor, speaks to Velg Training's eZine maagazine about how our feedback can help positively influence policy that will continue to keep our sector strong, and fit-for-purpose.

  VET Delivery Moves Online During COVID-19 (Part One)

The first of two reports which examine how the VET sector initially responded to COVID-19 through the increased use of online training delivery has been released and begins to explore the possible implications this might have on future training delivery modes.

  NCVER: Podcast - Online VET: a good course of action? (2020)

Vocational Voices S4, Episode 1 - Steve Davis talks to NCVER Managing Director Simon Walker and NCVER Senior Researcher Dr Tabatha Griffin about how online VET courses are being delivered, the outcomes for those who complete them, and why students may withdraw or not complete.

  NCVER: VET for secondary school students: a research synthesis (2022)

This paper focuses on reasons for choosing and participating in VET programs delivered in schools; models of delivery; quality of delivery; and outcomes, both short and medium-term, from these programs. Current knowledge gaps are identified with areas for further research suggested.

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