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VRQA: Amending Scope of Registration

VRQA website link to information about amending your RTO's scope of registration

TAC: Fact Sheet - Third Party Arrangements

The Training Accreditation Council link to the Fact Sheet regarding Third Party Arrangements

School Based Apprenticeships & Traineeships in NSW (SBAT)

NSW Government website link to information about SBATs

ASQA - Third-party agreements

ASQA website link to information about Third Party agreements.

Duty Statement - Administrative Assistant example template

An example of a duty statement for an administrator assistant role responsible for assisting administrative record keeping

Continuous Improvement Log example template

An example template that could be used to log or register can be kept to record Continuous Improvement actions and outcomes

VelgCast: Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)

An overview of the Australian Qualifications Framework

QS: Higher Education Reports (site link)

QS offers high-quality research and industry reports produced by experts in the QS Research and Analytics division. Also see other resources available on the site.

Trainer Observation Checklist template

A simple feedback checklist to support the processes of observing a trainer during their training session.

TAC: Webinars

Youtube link to Training and Accreditation Council (TAC) webinars.

Education Development Centre - Resource Library

From professional development materials for teachers to research reports for policymakers, EDC has produced hundreds of useful, innovative resources.

Assessing Compassionate or Compelling Circumstances (2023)

Sometimes, an international student's study journey in Australia doesn’t go to plan. When that happens, international students may ask their education providers to treat their circumstances as ‘compassionate or compelling’.

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