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National VET PD Week

14 - 18 October 2024

National VET PD Week is our annual special event, designed to up-skill VET practitioners nation-wide by providing access to the highest quality professional development.

Returning this October, 5 VET experts will facilitate 5 highly-targeted professional development sessions over 5 days.

NVPDW will cover a range of topics that suit a variety of VET Practitioners, to upskill, extend knowledge and provide practical guidance relating directly to their role in the VET sector.

Based on a combination of our most highly-rated webinars, your feedback and most-frequently asked questions - these five repeat sessions have been expertly selected for our VET community.

We hope there's a little something for everyone this NVPDW!

To ensure affordability, each of the NVPDW webinars are priced at: Members: $55 (inc GST)   |   Non-members $85 (inc GST) each

Learn more about each session by clicking on the title.

Monday 14 October
11.00 am - 12.00 pm (AEST:QLD)


Changes in the VET Sector and What They Mean to Me as a Manager

Rated: 4.3/5 stars

  • 'A great summary of where all the reforms are up to without having to trawl through numerous websites. David's knowledge is always well received.' – T Silcox
  • 'David explains things very clearly and gives honest opinions on vague content given by authorities.' – C Davis
David Garner
Principal Consultant
[consult dg]
Tuesday 15 October
11.00 am - 12.00 pm (AEST:QLD)


What IS the Matrix? and What Should it Look Like?

Rated: 4.2/5 stars

  • 'Good key points explained well. Good opportunity to ask questions and have them answered by the presenter.' – J Bartlett-Taylor
  • 'Excellent content and flow of information, great presenter - very informative' – M Gatt
Angela McGregor
Principal Consultant
RTO Consulting

Wednesday 16 October
11.00 am - 12.00 pm (AEST:QLD)


Self-Assuring in Practice – Easy Peasey!

Rated: 4.3/5 stars

  • 'This has been an incredibly interesting webinar. The information gained can be applied immediately' – R Rock
  • 'The information provided and wealth of knowledge of the presenter was excellent' – N Leonard
Maria Langwell
Principal Consultant
Maria Langwell Consulting
Thursday 17 October
11.00 am - 12.00 pm (AEST:QLD)


Reasonable Adjustment: What is Reasonable, What is Not?

Rated: 4.1/5 stars

  • 'Very clear and understandable. Coleen did a great job.' – M Taburimai
  • 'This really opened up lots of reflective conversation to take back to our team. Thank you!' – D Sherrington
Coleen Rivas
Managing Director
Raspberry Training and Consulting

Friday 18 October
11.00 am - 12.00 pm (AEST:QLD)


Industry Engagement – Informing vs Validating

Rated: 4.2/5 stars

  • 'Melanie was a great presenter! Good information - very informative' - M Arnold
  • 'Covered lots of issues that are often interpreted differently by different people and provided clarity on these' - F Boardman
Melanie Alexandra
Principal Consultant

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