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Australian Government: VET International Engagement Strategy 2025 (2019)

Launched in December 2019, the VET International Engagement Strategy 2025 (the Strategy) signals the Australian Government’s commitment to deliver on the full potential and reputation of the Australian (VET) sector internationally, and ensure its sustainable growth.

The Australian Core Skills Framework

Australian Government website link to information about the Australian Core Skills Framework

National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (National Code)

This link takes you to the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 via the Federal Register of Legislation website.

DTWD: Assessment in the VET Sector (2016)

Department of Training and Workforce Development (DTWD) publication providing information on processes and practices involved in an assessment system (2016)

TAC: Registration Information

TAC website link to information for RTOs about registration

Quick Guide Template to Assessment Mapping

A template matrix that can be used as a quick guide to the tools and methods being used to conduct assessment

Webinar Recording: Engaging the Unengaged

Recorded on the 28/02/2022 this session explored the reasons and provided attendees with some practical strategies to …. Engage the Unengaged!

IEAA: Global perspectives on international student employability (2019)

This paper provides an analysis of global policy settings and provider initiatives around international student employability. It includes preliminary findings of a new study on the uptake of post-study work rights in Australia, as well as case studies from New Zealand, the United Kingdom and Europe.

CEDEFOP: Microcredentials for labour market education and training (2022)

This study examines the role of microcredentials in supporting learning for employment. The study collected information through an online survey among mostly European VET providers, national authorities, employee and employer organisations, in-depth country case studies and interviews, as well as Cedefop’s ReferNet network.

Victoria University: Student, interrupted: International education and the pandemic (2021)

The report looked at five major destinations for international students: Australia, the United Kingdom, United States, Canada and New Zealand. It found all countries experienced a large fall in new international students in early to mid-2020. But while Australia and New Zealand have experienced a continued decline, the UK, USA and Canadian markets have recovered.

A guide to NDIS traineeships using group training (2022)

This resource outlines the group training model, costs involved and the benefits for an organisation when using a Group Training Organisation (GTO) for NDIS traineeships.

Apprenticeships and the digital transition: Modernising apprenticeships to meet digital skill needs (2024)

This publication draws from practice and research that explore how skill needs are changing due to the digital transition, how this impacts apprenticeship systems, how apprenticeships can support and promote the transition, and how they can benefit for from effective technology adoption and use in their delivery in the school-based and workplace components.

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