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Australian Government: Tuition Protection Service

Australian Government link to information about the Tuition Protection Service. The Tuition Protection Service (TPS) may assist students to either continue their studies through another course or different provider, or by being provided a refund or loan re-credit for education and training they paid for but did not receive.

VelgCast: Reasonable Adjustment

An overview of Reasonable Adjustment and how it applies to VET

NCVER: RPL at a Glance 2006

An NCVER publilcation from 2006 about RPL

Department of Education: PRISMS Modernisation Project

The modernisation capability will allow providers to integrate their education provider systems with the PRISMS application to submit their data directly to PRISMS. The project commenced in July 2022. The Department is committed to working closely with international education stakeholders to achieve a successful PRISMS API solution that supports the longer-term efficiency of the sector.

Student Assessment Appeals Form example basic template

An example of a basic template that could be used as an Appeals Form to be completed by a student

Qualification Reform Design Group - August 2023 update

The Qualification Reform Design Group has now commenced the task set for it by Skills Ministers to provide advice about the design of a reform process for vocational education and training (VET) qualifications which prepares the sector for the future. Attached is the Design Group update for August 2023.

State Government of Victoria: Making reasonable adjustments

Link to website information about reasonable adjustment.

Skills Shortages Analysis (2023)

Jobs and Skills Australia leads work on skills shortage analysis including the annual Skills Priority List and reports on Skills Shortages.

ASQA: Performance assessment (audit)

ASQA website link to detailed information on aspects of ASQA's performance assessment (audit) approach.

TAC - Internal Audit webinar (2023)

This three part series considers the ‘why’, ‘when’, ‘who’ and’ how’ of conducting an RTO internal audit. Join our TAC webinar for guidance and discussion on areas of focus for an internal audit, and how to use internal audit outcomes to evaluate the RTO performance.

Advancing Prosperity - 5-year Productivity Inquiry report (2023)

The report is divided into 9 volumes: An overview document (volume 1) that presents the policy agenda; and inquiry content volumes (volumes 2–9) that explain in greater detail the reforms that make up the policy agenda, including a modelling appendix.

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