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DTWD WA: WA Nominal Hours Guides

DTWD website link to information about nominal hours in WA (to assist in determining applicable training plans)

ASQA: Fact Sheet - overseas student attendance

This factsheet provides a summary of your responsibilities, as required by both the National Code and Standards for RTOs, in relation to overseas student course progression and classroom attendance.

ASQA: Addressing notices of non-compliance

This page provides an overview of what to do as a course owner when you receive a notice of non-compliance from ASQA.

Supervision Arrangement Template

It is a requirement that if an RTO engages a person who must work under supervision, adequate supervision arrangements are put in place. This tool offers a comprehensive template to guide the development of your RTO's supervision plans.

Supervision Arrangement Template

It is a requirement that if an RTO engages a person who must work under supervision, adequate supervision arrangements are put in place. This tool offers a comprehensive template to guide the development of your RTO's supervision plans.

Supervision Arrangement Template

It is a requirement that if an RTO engages a person who must work under supervision, adequate supervision arrangements are put in place. This tool offers a comprehensive template to guide the development of your RTO's supervision plans.

Webinar Recording: Let’s Talk About Effective Industry Engagement

Recorded on 16/06/2021 this 90-minute, “Let’s Talk About” session will review the current compliance requirements and provide a range of industry engagement strategies for different RTO settings and industries.

Duty Statement - Compliance Administrator example template

An example of a duty statement for an administrator role responsible for compliance relating to administration and record keeping

ASQA - Fact sheets

Fact sheets provide detailed information on aspects of ASQA processes and requirements.

WA Government: Recognition of Prior Learning

DTWD website link to information about RPL

IBSA: Examples of Collaboration of Vocational and Foundation Skills Specialists 2013

Innovation Business Skills Australia (IBSA) publication identifying the involvement of each specialist during program implementation

ASQA: Webinar - Understanding Performance Assessment (2021)

This webinar walks through the different stages of performance assessment: what happens before, during and after an assessment, as well as continuous improvement and self-assurance.

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