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Your Way: Designing and Development Assessment Tools – Part 2

This 1 hour webinar is from our  suite of Your Way offerings. It is ready to be presented to your staff, at a time that suit you! Need more information? Simply fill out our enquiry form below for a quote. 

Session Overview

When it comes to designing and developing assessments a range of skills are required to visualise, address and implement practices and methods that give learners the best opportunities to achieve competence.

This webinar focusses on the final two elements of the unit of competency TAEASS502 Design and develop assessment tools. Continuing with the design principles covered in Part One, this session will cover the development of assessment tools and how we ensure, through review and trial, that the tools meet that initial purpose established during the planning and designing stages.

The development and review stages bring our assessment designs to fruition as, once developed, these tangible, stand-alone entities represent the vision we had throughout those initial planning stages.  Ultimately our assessment tools must provide clearly instructed requirements for both students and assessors and enable the gathering of evidence that is valid, sufficient, authentic and current.  Without these things, our intended purpose cannot be achieved.

Throughout this session, attendees will look at a range of key development considerations including: 

  • the development of tool components and instruments that, when combined, create tools that support the rules of evidence;
  • assessment instructions for both students and assessors considering how tools not meeting the reliability assessment principle can ultimately impact upon the evidence gathered and decisions made;
  • how assessment tools fit within the RTO’s assessment system; and
  • how these tools meet their intended purpose.

This session is for all VET assessors who use assessment tools and is irrespective of whether they are the primary author of those tools.  As RTOs are essentially responsible for their assessment systems and resources, whether developed by their own people or purchased from an externally developed source, this session covers the components which are essential for maintaining the compliance of those tools and contextualising them to meet and address student needs and outcomes.

Key topics covered

  • Developing assessment tools and instruments
  • Embedding components that support the rules of evidence
  • Understanding tool reliability and potential implications
  • Ensuring tools are fit for purpose
  • Reviewing and trailing assessment

Who should attend

  • Trainers
  • Assessors
  • Training Managers
  • VET Teachers
  • Curriculum Developers
  • Compliance Managers

What to expect

  • PowerPoint
  • Recording of the webinar (three months access)
  • Additional electronic resources
  • Electronic Statement of Attendance


Velg Training Consultant

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