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Common Assessor Issues and How to Avoid Them

1 June 2023
ONLINE via Zoom Webinar


Assessment issues continue to be one of the most common non-compliances identified in regulator audits. So, how do we avoid these?

In this brand-new, 90-minute webinar we will look at some of the common assessment issues that are often found during validations and audits and provide some strategies for how assessors can avoid these issues.

We will cover performance assessment, observation, role plays and simulation, group assessment and more!

Coleen will explore and discuss how to identify issues with assessment systems before assessment occurs, how to avoid non-compliant assessment practices, and how to ensure your assessment decisions can withstand scrutiny.

Key topics covered in this webinar 

  • Assessing performance with written tasks  
  • Workplace observation issues  
  • Role plays and simulation issues  
  • Group assessment issues  
  • Knowledge evidence issues  
  • Authenticity and plagiarism (including the challenges of ChatGPT)
NB. Can't make the session?
We send out all electronic resources to registrants within 48 hours of the session's closure. All Velg Training webinars are scheduled in AEST (QLD time) - please check your time zone before logging onto the online training session.

Date & Time

Thursday 1st June 2023
11:00am - 12.30pm (AEST: QLD)

Other timezones:
11:00am - 12.30pm (AEST: NSW, ACT, VIC, TAS)
10:30am - 12:00pm (ACST: SA)
10:30am - 12:00pm (ACST: NT)
9:00am - 10:30am (AWST: WA)

Who should attend

  • RTO/Compliance Managers
  • Trainers/Assessors
  • Heads of Faculty/Department/Area Managers
  • Curriculum Developers/L&D Managers

What to expect

Presented by Coleen Rivas, you will be provided with the following resources after the event:

  • PowerPoint (in PDF format)
  • Recording of the webinar (three months access)
  • Additional electronic resource 
  • Electronic Statement of Attendance

As part of celebrating Velg Training’s 20th Birthday – we’ve got a bonus resource(s) to give as our gift to you for attending this event:

  • Self-assuring Assessment Practice Checklist
  • Assessment Practice Report Template
  • Principles of Assessment and Rules of Evidence Memory Tip Infographics


Coleen Rivas


Coleen has had 20 years of experience in the VET sector. She has owned and managed various RTOs and is an experienced instructional designer and VET professional.

Coleen is passionate about quality vocational education and the delivery of best practice competency assessment.

Also speaking at:

NVPDW: Reasonable Adjustment: What is Reasonable, What is Not?

Opportunities to interact

  • Use a microphone to speak with trainer/attendees (Not available in all Webinars)
  • Raise your 'virtual hand' to engage in discussion
  • Share your thoughts via online chat window
  • Answer online polls that provide instant group feedback

NB. If you would like to send chat questions to the presenter, Coleen Rivas, before the session, please email

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