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Are You Ready to Think 6 Moves Ahead?

Are You Ready to Think 6 Moves Ahead? image

We all know that interesting, interactive sessions are more likely to increase learner involvement and learning.

Interaction and problem solving empowers them to play an active part in the learning process and have a voice, which increases confidence and a sense of learning ownership.

We’ve got a game-changer for you and your learners, leading to more successful and fulfilling educational experiences.

Taking place on Wednesday, 21st June 2023, join Kay Schlesinger for this BRAND NEW 90-minute webinar comprising 6 interactive and interesting learning activities that you will be able to implement with your learners immediately to increase their involvement in the learning process.  

Together we will investigate:

  • Problem solving, using De Bono’s 6 Thinking Hats to increase investigative and interactive learning

  • Developing language and understanding – some fun activities to avoid misunderstandings around the use of language

  • Grouping students for learning- how to ensure all group members are active and involved – not watching from the sidelines  

  • Constructing Mindmaps to make sense of content and aid memory  

  • Encouraging student voice in your learning community

  • Reflecting on Learning- practical activities to build the power of reflection

Click here to register

Date posted May 4, 2023

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