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Webinar Recording: Fearless RPL for Assessors

Velg Training


Recorded on the 21/05/2024 this webinar demystified the RPL process and addressed the issues that have commonly made RPL a tedious experience for assessors and students.

Please note that the revised Standards for Registered Training Organisations were publicly released on 1 October 2024 and will come into full regulatory effect from 1 July 2025.

The Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 will continue to apply until then.

This webinar recording refers to, and is based on, the requirements for the current regulatory environment.


Many assessors advise students that they are better off doing the course than applying for RPL because it all seems too hard. Oftentimes, as Assessors, we feel overwhelmed with how to interpret the evidence.

When it comes to RPL, it’s not about the quantity of evidence the applicant provides; it is about guiding them to provide quality evidence. Your role as the assessor is much more significant than a 'marker and shuffler' of paper.

Welcome to "Fearless RPL for Assessors", where we engaged with these challenges and provided attendees with the tools you need to implement RPL in your RTO.

This PD was designed specifically for RPL Assessors - to further develop an understanding of how RPL can be undertaken confidently and how to having faith in the evidence collected. Attendees walked away with the keys to providing a client service that is positive and rewarding for the applicant.

What was covered in the session:

  • An overview of WHAT, WHY and WHO of RPL
  • How RPL is different to credit transfer
  • The role of the assessor in the RPL process
  • Summary of RTO obligations (including ASQA’s current priority focus on RTOs providing quality RPL)
  • Common errors made by RPL assessors 
  • Keys to success of student centred RPL
  • Evidence collection – What is required?
  • Providing RPL with confidence

Webinar content targeted towards:

This event is specifically designed for those who conduct RPL Assessment or for those responsible for managing the Assessment process:

  • RPL Assessors
  • Compliance Managers
  • Training Managers

Webinar duration: 90 minutes

Bio of presenter:

Angela McGregor is the owner and principal consultant of RTO Consulting who has been offering consulting services throughout Australia, providing guidance, coaching and assistance to businesses wanting to become a RTO, existing RTOs and businesses wanting to develop nationally accredited courses and those looking to establish systems and processes to ensure compliance. 

As a practitioner dedicated to sharing knowledge, Angela has consulted through many forums pertaining to compliance issues and improvement strategies for training and assessment services. Angela is known for her current industry, knowledge and success in developing accredited courses and track record in setting up RTOs and assisting RTOs with compliance against the VET Quality Framework.

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NB: Once purchased, you will be emailed confirmation that the webinar recording product is now available in your Profile, accessible by the “HISTORY” tab.


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