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  • This 1 hour webinar is from our suite of Your Way offerings. It is ready to be presented to your staff, at a time that suit you! All too often, we focus on the Training and Assessment Strategy (TAS) existing for compliance purposes. While this is important, it is not the only reason why we use a TAS. It tells the story of how and who you are training and assessing. This webinar is designed to explore the purpose of a TAS, what it should look like and common mistakes to avoid.

    PD Your Way 

    This 1 hour webinar is from our suite of Your Way offerings. It is ready to be presented to your staff, at a time that suits you! Observation checklists are a fantastic way to record direct evidence of a student's performance of skills! Learn all about how to develop quality observation checklists for evidence gathering in this very popular webinar which unpacks the purpose of an observation checklist, defining observable behaviours, analysing the task and more!

    PD Your Way 

    This 1 hour webinar is from our suite of Your Way offerings. It is ready to be presented to your staff, at a time that suits you! How do marking guides contribute to compliance? And how do we develop them to ensure consistency of assessment judgements? This webinar will provide you with all the 'tips to getting it right' that you need when it comes to efficient and effective assessment marking guides.

    PD Your Way 

    This 1 hour webinar is from our suite of Your Way offerings. It is ready to be presented to your staff, at a time that suit you! Are you drowning in documents? Do you develop documents to satisfy the Standards for RTOs 2015 or to drive your business effectively and efficiently? This webinar aims to clarify actual evidence required by the RTO and the how-to of streamlining documented processes that effectively cover compliance requirements, whilst efficiently driving quality across your RTO.

    PD Your Way 

    This 1 hour webinar is from our suite of Your Way offerings. It is ready to be presented to your staff, at a time that suits you. This webinar will highlight the ‘power of the TAS’ and the impacts it can have across administration of procedures within your RTO.

    PD Your Way 

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