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  Fact Sheets

Quick links to a range of handy Fact Sheets about the VET Sector

  Latest Communique from AISC

The AISC is an industry/government collaboration focused on simplifying and demystifying the VET system, amplifying the voice of industry and building employers' confidence in VET qualifications. Read the latest updates from AISC.

  The Future of RTO Auditing: ASQA's Perspective

As we approach the final day of our National VET PD Week join us and the National VET Regulator, the Australian Skills Quality Authority for their live session on the Future of Auditing, as seen from the regulator's perspective.


VET regulators are independent bodies working to uphold the quality of VET delivered in Australia. They perform a number of functions including the registration of RTOs and subsequent monitoring of their operations for compliance with relevant standards.

  Only 2 Months to Go

Velg Training is proud to host the presenters selected for this year's National VET Conference

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  • This 1.5 hour webinar is from our suite of Your Way offerings. Gain insights into practical ways to create an inclusive learning environment for neurodiverse students and the broader benefits of integrating neurodiversity awareness and support into their RTO and programs.

    PD Your Way 

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