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  NVC Early Bird Closes 30 June 2017

For an event that is already renowned for its contribution to, and support of, Professional Development for all VET practitioners, Early Bird pricing is yet another opportunity to add to the great value delivered by the National VET Conference each year.

  Only 11 Standard and 1 Premium Sponsor places left at the #2017NVC

The National VET Conference is the largest gathering of Vocational Education and Training (VET) practitioners and decision makers from across Australia, with over 1,300 people attending in 2016 at the Gold Coast, and you have the opportunity to sponsor! There are over 60 sponsorship packages in total and only 12 remain, so get in quick!

  Blog: The Heart of NVC

Imagine over 1000 VET practitioners in one room; interacting, networking, engaging. It’s a buzz like no other, a feeling of shared connectedness and simply, of belonging. It’s a sight to behold – and something you too can experience at Velg Training’s National VET Conference (NVC).

  Check Out Our 2021 NVC VIP Lineup!

At our 2021 National VET Conference face-to-face event, we have a VIP lineup of presenters who will deliver content to help build a vision of what the future VET sector might look like and how we can help shape it.

  ASQA: Strategic review of online learning - final report (2023)

The Strategic Review of Online Learning in the VET sector is identified as a regulatory risk priority in ASQA’s Regulatory Strategy 2020-22 and in the 2021-22 Regulatory Risk Priorities. ASQA uses a risk-based approach to determine the most significant risks to achieving ASQA’s purpose, which is to ensure quality VET and the integrity of national qualifications issued by training providers.

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