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  NCVER: Nationally agreed nominal hours

These nationally agreed hours data have been agreed to by all States and Territories for use in national reporting of VET data only. NCVER sources the nominal hours externally or via state and territory submissions to the National VET Provider Collection.

  NCVER: Adding value to competency based training (2022)

This research examines the strengths and weaknesses of competency-based training as it is currently applied to the Australian VET system and whether there is cause to consider a broader approach to defining and describing competence and hence considering how best teaching and learning in VET is delivered and assessed.

  Degree Inflation: Undermining the value of higher education (2023)

The past 20 years have seen explosive growth in universities. At the same time, vocational education and training (VET) faced a tsunami of financial challenges and poorly implemented policies. As a result, VET is now stigmatised as a second-class education option, and employers demand university credentials for jobs that formerly did not require them.

  Building Future-Ready Vocational Education and Training Systems (2023)

Structural changes highlight the need to re-engineer certain parts of VET systems in some countries to make them more resilient and ensure they can make the most of the opportunities ongoing changes present. This report zooms in on four key dimensions of future-ready VET systems.

  Exploring the 2017 NVC Master Classes

Master Classes offer half-day, in depth exploration of topics that have been chosen to enhance operational and strategic performance of Registered Training Organisations and VET practitioners.

  NCVER Release Informative Infographic

Just released, this infographic examines the uptake and utility of training package qualifications in the Australian vocational education and training (VET) system.

  This Year is Slipping By!

Don't let the chance to attend the biggest VET event of the year slip by too! 2019 NVC Registrations Close 31 August

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