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  #2021NVC: Getting Assessment Practice Right

This year's National VET Conference enables you to select areas of learning that are of value to YOU and your professional development experience. This week, let's take a look at some Assessment topics ....

  New Industry Engagement Arrangements

As part of the ongoing Skills Reform new industry clusters will be established to provide industry with a stronger, more strategic voice and a broader role in ensuring Australia’s VET system continues to deliver on employer and learner needs.

  Attracting Industry Experts ... a Journey, Not a Destination

Industry experts, who are highly knowledgeable and experienced in their sector, are an underutilised resource as vocational education and training (VET) practitioners, according to the latest research released by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER).

  Your Free eZine is Waiting For You

As we take some time to reflect on another very active year in VET, we hope that the Volume 17 Velg Training eZine magazine motivates and inspires you for 2022!

  VRQA: Annual Declaration of Compliance

Under Guideline 5 of the VRQA Guidelines for VET Providers, registered training organisations (RTOs) are required to complete an annual declaration of compliance and submit it to the VRQA by 1 April each year.

  Fancy Trying a FREE Training Bite?

We are celebrating the launch of Raspberry Training and Consulting's Training Bites!! They have a range of juicy bites of learning just for you. So, which free Raspberry Bite will you pick for your VET PD?

  ASQA: Video - Validation and Moderation Explained

Validation and moderation have both been used in VET to promote and enhance quality practices in assessment. Watch this short video to help understand the differences between these important processes.

  Annual declaration on compliance

Training providers need to submit an annual compliance declaration to deliver VET training. Your declaration is a statement confirming your organisation complied with the Standards for all certifications issued in the last 12 months.

  Australian Government: Qualifications Reforms

Australian, state and territory governments are working together to develop a new model for VET training products, including qualifications and skill sets, to ensure they are relevant to labour market needs.

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