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  Inclusion of People with Disability in VET

There are 2.1 million people with a disability, of working age, in Australia. PwC’s Skills for Australia is leading the development of training in the cross-sector area of Inclusion of People with Disability in VET.

  Virtual VET Summit Recordings Now Available!

Did you miss out on the 2017 Virtual VET Summit? High definition recordings of the 10 individual sessions are now available for purchase from the Velg Training Knowledge Hub! These products include the online video recording, a PDF copy of the PowerPoint presentation and additional electronic resources.

  2024 National VET Conference

Velg Training's 17th National VET Conference, the largest national gathering of VET professionals in the country, provides attendees the opportunity to engage in a variety of plenary and elective sessions.

  VET CEO Conference Profile Speaker – Claire Field

Owning and managing an RTO goes beyond maintaining compliance and developing training and assessment materials. Specifically aimed at what it takes to run a successful RTO, this year, Claire Field will be sharing her management insights at the VET CEO Conference.

  National VET Regulator Update

The Australian Quality Skills Authority provided some interesting insights into their new audit approach at Velg Training's 2021 VET CEO Conference last week.

  NCVER: VET Funding

Data from the National VET Funding Collection provides information on the flow and distribution of government contributions that stimulate or support publicly-subsidised vocational education and training (VET) activity in Australia.

  • Relevant events See all
  • This 1.5 hour webinar is from our suite of Your Way offerings. Gain insights into practical ways to create an inclusive learning environment for neurodiverse students and the broader benefits of integrating neurodiversity awareness and support into their RTO and programs.

    PD Your Way 

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