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  NCVER: VET as a re-engagement pathway for early school leavers (2022)

Analysis of the Longitudinal Survey of Australian Youth (LSAY) confirms that VET is an important pathway to educational re-engagement for young people who have left school before completing Year 12. It also highlights the importance of providing career information, not only to young people but also their parents/carers, before and after leaving school.

  NCVER: VET and higher education pathways – do outcomes differ for the same occupation? (2022)

This report explores occupations that can be entered into via either a vocational education and training (VET) pathway or a higher education pathway. It examines whether these individuals do the same job tasks and roles, if there are differences in how well the qualifications prepare them for the role and whether they have the same occupation and employment outcomes, such as salary and career pathways.

  NVPDW: Changes in the VET Sector and What They Mean to Me as a Manager

This 60-minute session is one of five available during our 2024 National VET PD Week. RTOs are facing a range of changes to the Sector: new Standards, a revised AQF, as well as a range of quality reform outcomes. How do you keep on top of it all? Join David Garner for this webinar to find out where we are at and what it all might mean for you.

  Evaluating machine learning for projecting completion rates for VET programs (2023)

This paper summarises exploratory analysis undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of using machine learning approaches to calculate projected completion rates for vocational education and training (VET) programs, and compares this with the current approach used at the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) — Markov chains methodology.

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  • This 1.5 hour webinar is from our suite of Your Way offerings. Gain insights into practical ways to create an inclusive learning environment for neurodiverse students and the broader benefits of integrating neurodiversity awareness and support into their RTO and programs.

    PD Your Way 

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