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National Skills Commission: The state of Australia's skills 2021: now and into the future (2021)

This report examines Australia’s current, emerging and future workforce skills needs. The report also examines how well matched the broad supply and demand of skills across the economy is.

The wellbeing economy in brief: understanding the growing agenda and its implications (2024)

This series of papers reflect on why Australia needs to build a wellbeing economy, and attempts to clarify terms and expressions and associated wellbeing economy ideas so that discussions can take place from a basis of shared understanding and language.

Victorian Department of Education and Training Skills First information

Victorian Government website link to information about the Skills First program

Connecting to maximise knowledge and skills: Companies and universities working together (2024)

This paper represents a plea for a renewed paradigm framing relationships between industry and universities – for the sake of the emerging Australian workforce. It argues that skills development needs a widespread approach in which learning is immersed in work environments. This is key to linking learning with constantly changing industry strategies and practices, technical and generic skill needs.

English Australia: Webinar - CRICOS Compliance from A to Z (2020)

English Australia: link to webinar, broadcast 21/1/20 . CRICOS Compliance requires you adhere to well over 600 individual rules covering everything from financials to curriculum to marketing to HR to contracts and more. How can colleges get and stay on top of it all?!

The future of the workforce: the building and construction industry (2024)

This report forecasts the building and construction industry needs 130,000 additional workers this year to overcome workforce shortages. It takes a closer look at the current state of the industry, the impact of chronic workforce shortages, and recommends policy measures to relieve the pressure.

ASQA: ASQA's approach to compliance

ASQA link to consultation and outcome materials, including a webinar, related to the Rapid Review of ASQA’s Regulatory Practices and Processes (the Review)

VOCEDplus: Focus on industry and VET: international research (2020)

This issue of Focus on presents current research discussing industry involvement in VET in the UK, Europe and New Zealand.

Clustering units of competency: a guide to how to cluster for delivery and assessment [1st, 2nd, and 3rd editions]

This publication provides RTOs with guidance on how to apply clustering to improve delivery and assessment practices.

Turnitin: Transforming grading into learning: Whatever the subject matter, wherever the student and educator (2022)

Gradescope whitepaper by Turnitin considers best practices and how to bring them within range for instructors to execute.

Listening to Australian businesses on workforce and skills 2024: Skills in demand (2024)

The final Research Insight from the Ai Group Centre for Education and Training's 2024 Skills and Workforce Survey shows that Technicians and Trades workers are in high demand and increasingly hard to find.

NCVER: Evolution not revolution: views on training products reform (2017)

In 2016 the Council of Australian Government (COAG) Industry Skills Council and the Skills Senior Officials Network commenced deliberations in relation to the reform of national training products – training packages and accredited courses. Their aim was to ensure training products remain relevant and support skills development as technology, jobs and industries change.

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