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Duty Statement – Trainer and Assessor example template

An example of a duty statement for a qualified trainer and assessor who may also be a supervisor of a non-qualified assessor

Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA): VET Registration

VRQA website link to information about VET Registration

Wheel of Apps: Apps for Learners with Dyslexia/Reading and Writing Difficulties

Staff at CALL Scotland have developed a helpful Wheel of Apps guide for iPad that may be useful for students with dyslexia or who just need some additional support with reading and/or writing.

Australian Government: Australian Apprenticeship Services and Supports Discussion Paper (2022)

The Apprenticeship Services and Supports Discussion Paper explores the existing services and supports and seeks views on opportunities address three key questions facing the Apprenticeships System.

Webinar Recording: Marketing Compliance: Reviewing and monitoring material

Recorded on 05/06/2019, this webinar provided guidance for RTOs on preparing and monitoring a range of marketing material in alignment with compliance requirements.

VET delivery in regional, rural and remote Australia: barriers and facilitators (2023)

This research investigated how the training sector could better meet the needs of regional, rural and remote Australia. It explored how various stakeholders in the VET system understand local skills needs, and the barriers faced by RTOs when delivering training in such locations.

IBSA: Assessment Instrument Competency Mapping Template (Appendix 3 from TAEASS401B)

Innovation Business Skills Australia (IBSA) basic template to map assessment instruments to units of competency

ESOS reform discussion guide: online study and younger overseas students (2023)

As part of developing advice to government, the department is seeking sector views on changing the allowable amount of online delivery and additional protections for all minor overseas students.

Sample: Canterbury Business College TAS for BSB51915

Canterbury Business College example Training and Assessment Strategy

Recognition of prior learning (RPL) and credit transfer within VET courses

Overview and resources for secondary students to have their previous learning - both formal and informal - count towards Stage 5 ( Year 9 or 10) or Stage 6 (HSC) VET courses and AQF VET qualifications.

Ai Group: Skilling Australia to lock in our digital future (2022)

This report sets out the scale of the digital transformation opportunity (and challenge) before us, and recommends a series of policy actions.

NCVER: Report - Building capability and quality in VET teaching: opportunities and challenges (2020)

NCVER link to report that examines ways to enhance the quality of teaching in the vocational education and training (VET) sector in Australia.

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