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NCVER: Report - Issues in apprenticeships and traineeships – a research synthesis (November 2021)

This resource considers research and data on what could be considered five enduring issues for apprenticeships and traineeships in Australia. These are congestion and harmonisation, completions, incentive payments and other supports to employers and apprentices/trainees, the interface between the apprentice/trainee and training providers, and the relevance of the current model of apprenticeship training.

Webinar Recording: Positive Learning Behaviours Creating Remarkable Learning Communities

Recorded on 21/08/2024 this session looked at creating communities where students and educators are safe is the first step to learning. Effectively managing challenging behaviour is tricky: in fact, it is a challenge we have all experienced! The session to combine our wisdom and trial some effective new approaches.

TAC: Webinar - RTO Marketing

Training Accreditation Council (TAC) webinar aims to increase the capability of RTOs and their staff in understanding marketing requirements for RTOs, as prescribed in the Standards for RTOs 2015 (the Standards). The session will cover frequently asked questions related to marketing requirements and achieving compliance with the Standards, outline common mistakes and provide practical examples.

Jobs and Skills Australia Act 2022

This Act establishes Jobs and Skills Australia, sets out the functions of Jobs and Skills Australia and deals with other matters .

Australian Framework for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Schools (2023)

The Australian Framework for Generative AI in Schools (the Framework) seeks to guide the responsible and ethical use of generative AI tools in ways that benefit students, schools, and society.

Building a Culture of Continuous Improvement: Guidebook and Toolkit (2019)

This guidebook and toolkit shares one of EDC’s approaches to continuous improvement. It provides case studies, templates, exercises, and tips to empower practitioners and leaders to improve conditions in complex education systems.

CEDEFOP: Teachers and trainers in a changing world (2022)

This 2022 synthesis paper published by CEDEFOP points out that “teachers and trainers are at the frontline of VET delivery.” To do their job effectively requires that “they (re)skill and upskill towards future-oriented competences, which they can then pass on to students.”

DEWR: VET Data Streamlining program

A consistent theme in reviews of VET data reporting arrangements is that VET data reporting system is overdue for reform. What is currently happening in the VET Data Streamlining program? Governments are working together to develop the content for a new VET Information Standard, gather requirements to inform the new technology development and establish a new policy framework.

Addressing Non-Compliance/s Evidence Tool example template

An example template for RTOs when providing evidence to address non-compliance/s that have been identified by ASQA.

ASQA Webinar - Change of Ownership Webinar (Youtube) - 5 December 2019

Presented by ASQA's Ashley Mellor, Manager, Business Improvement and Regulatory Reporting who provides new guidance on change of ownership obligations.

NT - Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade

Government of Northern Territory website link

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