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Australian Government: Industry Engagement Reforms

Australian Government link to information about Industry Engagement in the VET system.

Adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI) (2024)

The Productivity Commission made a submission to the Senate Select Committee on Adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI). This submission makes three key points in relation to opportunities to adopt AI in ways that will benefit economic growth, drawing from the Commission’s recent research.

NT Government: Recognition of Prior Learning

NT Government website link to information about RPL

TAC: TAC Talk - Ep11 - Retaining Assessment Evidence

Ever get flustered about what training records to keep for your RTO? This concise 4-minute podcast clarifies your obligations for managing information, including assessment evidence.

Industry-Based Literacy & Numeracy Quizzes

Take a quick quiz to learn what sort of problem-solving you'll do day-to-day as an Australian Apprentice.

TAS validation tool example template

An example template for recording the validation of the TAS

Building effective RTO-employer partnerships: good practice guide (2023)

Based on case studies of RTO-employer partnerships that varied in terms of employer size, RTO type and industry, this good practice guide provides insights into effective strategies for RTOs that foster the development of quality partnerships with employers. A companion research report provides discussion and further insights related to the drivers, benefits and challenges of RTO-employer partnerships.

ASQA: VET sector overview

Link to information about the VET sector.

Webinar: Qualifications Reform - Public Webinar presentation (2023)

Providing more information about proposed reforms to VET Qualifications.

Webinars: Australian Core Skills Framework (2014)

Videos (uploaded 2014) were produced for the previous version of the ACSF, but most information is still relevant.

Timeline of Australian VET policy initiatives 1998-2023

This resource helps understand the scale of change and the individual policies, programs or initiatives that have shaped VET at both the national and state and territory level. The resource includes economic events that may have influenced enrolments and completions of VET courses, apprenticeships and traineeships.

Accord Report - International Comparison of Tertiary Education Systems (2024)

This report reviewed high performing tertiary systems from Germany, Norway, United Kingdom, Korea, Singapore and New Zealand and compared these systems to Australia, and investigated tertiary governance structures and considerations as they relate to the interaction between VET and higher education sectors.

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