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Traineeship Assessment Process Diagram example

A process diagram and explanation of an example assessment process used in apprenticeships and traineeships

VelgCast: Introduction to CSfW

An overview of the Core Skills for Work Developmental Framework

VelgCast: Introduction to AVETMISS

An introduction to the Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information Statistical Standard (AVETMISS)

ASQA - Practical Training and Assessment

ASQA has developed guidance to assist providers to deliver practical training and assessment in the workplace or under simulation.

Assessment Appeals Form example template

A template example of a form used to record the RTO's review of the assessment decision and appeals outcome

VRQA: VET Registration – Submitting an application

VRQA website link to information specific to submitting an application for registration to the VRQA

Worldskills Australia: Supporting our Youth to Thrive (2022)

This report summarises key findings from online surveys conducted with multiple respondent groups at the WorldSkills Australia National Skills Championships held in person in Western Australia and remotely in New South Wales, Queensland, Australian Capital Territory, South Australia and Victoria in the third and fourth quarter of 2021.

Australian Government: Webinar: The Evolution of Apprenticeships (2022)

The first session, titled ‘The Evolution of Apprenticeships,’ was held in May and explored how TVET has been delivered in Finland, Malaysia, and Australia, how it has evolved to meet modern skills demands, and how it can be strengthened through innovative partnerships and collaborations.

AiGroup: Adapting Australia to a new trade world (2022)

This report ‘future casts’ five global-level trends that will shape the what, how and who of trade through the 2020s. It also maps how government and businesses can rethink their strategies for success in a changing global trade environment.

TAC - Fact Sheet: Assessment Validation

This fact sheet helps RTOs validate their assessment system as required by the RTO Standards and covers developing a validation plan, ensuring assessments are valid and fair, having qualified validators, understanding key terms, and using validation outcomes to improve assessment practices.

ASQA: Guide—Developing assessment tools (2021)

This guide is designed to assist registered training organisations (RTOs) and their assessors to develop practical assessment tools.

DWTD Instructions for Using the RPL Assessment Kit

The RPL Assessment Tool kit instructions from the Department of Training and Workforce Development (DTWD) Western Australia

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