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ASQA: Recording changes to training and assessment strategies for small to medium-sized RTOs

The information in this guide has been developed by Audit Express and has been provided to ASQA for the benefit of information sharing within the VET sector.

Webinar Recording: I Think I Want to Apply for RTO Status

Recorded on the 25/07/18. This webinar will assist anyone considering setting up an RTO in understanding the requirements and to be prepared prior to submitting an application.

The future of vocational education and training in Europe 50 dimensions of vocational education and training: Cedefop’s analytical framework for comparing VET (2023)

The purpose of the research is to gain an in-depth understanding of the future trends in vocational education and training in the 27 Member States of the EU, as well as in Iceland, Norway and the United Kingdom.

Government Skills Australia: Meeting the foundation skills demands of training & work

GSA Facilitator guide developed to raise awareness of Foundation Skills and the impact of their under development on the Australian workforce

The Smart and Skilled program for 2023-24 and its application process

Smart and Skilled is a NSW Government program that helps people get training in in-demand skills and industries. It’s a key part of the NSW Vocational Education and Training (VET) system.

Requirement for course owners to add VET accredited courses to scope for delivery - 30 Sep 2019

This link takes you to ASQA's website where it describes the need for course owners to add VET accredited courses to their scopes of registration.

ACER: What do employers really want? Helping vocational learners crack the code (2017)

This study explored the degree of alignment between the employability skills valued by employers, the skills learners bring to the new work context and the skills their training programs assess and/or actively foster.

Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission: Disability and the workplace

VEOHRC website link to information about disability and the workplace.

Australian Government: Modernising the collection of international education data - Concept Brief (2022)

The Department has released a concept paper, the PRISMS modernisation project 2022 concept brief, to inform international education providers and their service agencies about this project and provide details on opportunities to engage in the project consultations and implementation.

OECD: Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Vocational Education and Training (2021)

This report looks at comparative statistics and policy information collected by the OECD across a number of education systems to track the impact of the pandemic on the VET sector.

ASQA: Accreditation with ASQA: What is a VET accredited course?

ASQA website link to information about accreditation and accredited courses

Future work, future jobs - Preparing Queensland for the evolution of work (2023)

Jobs Queensland is exploring what future work could look like in 2030 for Queenslanders and our economy.

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