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Accessing Velg Training’s New Knowledge Hub

Recorded on 16/05/17, this 30 minute webinar takes Members on a tour through the Knowledge Hub to assist in navigating their way around this section of the website,

VelgCast: Introduction to the ACSF

An introductory overview of the Australian Core Skills Framework

Understanding the potential in VET: an introduction to the VNDA (2023)

This report was made possible through a new data set, titled the VET National Data Asset or VNDA. It will assist Jobs and Skills Australia to provide advice on the adequacy of the Australian VET system, unlocking new insights and analysis possibilities.

The return to education - an occupational perspective (2023)

Analyses the increase in credentials in the labour market between 2011 and 2021.

Webinar - The ABC of the ACSF

Recorded on the 27/09/2021, this introductory, or refresher, session was aimed at VET practitioners who wanted to know more about the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF), the Australian standards for adult literacy and numeracy.

Review of the Australian Qualifications Framework Final Report 2019

Australian Government Department of Education publication that reports the outcomes of the review of the AQF

Strategic Review of the Australian Apprenticeship Incentive System (2024)

The Strategic Review of the Australian Apprenticeship Incentive System is investigating the support available to help more people start and complete apprenticeships and traineeships.

NCVER VET Knowledge Bank

The VET Knowledge Bank contains a suite of products capturing Australia's diverse, complex and ever-changing vocational education and training (VET) system. It aims to provide a collected memory of VET reference information. The VET Knowledge Bank is a living, growing resource.


NCVER’s RTO Hub for reporting tools, resources and support for registered training organisations.

Review of the ACT User Choice Program Final Report 2015

ACT Government publication – reporting on the review of the User Choice Program (2015)

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