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#2021NVC: Ensuring Effective RTO Management Practice

#2021NVC: Ensuring Effective RTO Management Practice image

This year's National VET Conference brings to you a number of VET themed categories which enable you to select the key areas of importance to you and your RTO.  We appreciate how important it is to engage in the right activities that provide a professional development experience of direct value to your own learning and continuous improvement needs.  

The RTO Management category brings you FIVE vocational education and training experts delivering sessions dedicated to enhancing your understanding of best RTO Management practices across the 2-day conference:

Making Micro Credentials Work in Your RTO
Matthew Dale, CEO, Audit Express
Day 1, Session 1

Current NCVER data confirms that stand-alone enrolment into single units, skill sets and micro-credentials are increasing year-on-year.  This session will unpack the definition and concepts of micro-learning, micro-credentials and badging, and will explore the benefits that each of these can offer your organisation. You will leave this session with a clear understanding of the difference between micro-learning, micro-credentialing and digital badging. You will also gain insights on how to start offering micro-credentials in your RTO.

Building a Kick Ass Strategy for the New Decade
Jason Blinman, CEO & Founder, The Maven Effect
Day 1, Session 4

Building a kick-ass strategy for the new decade will encompass a whirlwind of techniques and skills to embed within your own company strategies to help build a business that becomes a force to be reckoned with. You will not only learn all about building a kick-ass strategy for the new decade, you will also have the opportunity to manifest your very own business/department strategy. This session is not for the faint of heart and requires courage, tenacity, passion, inspiration, and an attitude to rise to the occasion with an open mind.

The Future of Work: Start with your Own VET  Workforce
Alison Miller, Director, Digital Capability
Day 2, Session 1

The future of work is predicted to be significantly disrupted by digital technologies such as artificial intelligence.  This session will take participants on an Appreciative Inquiry journey using a range of easily accessible digital tools to discover how their current trainers' digital literacy compares with their colleagues in the room.  Attendees will be encouraged to dream and design a VET workforce of the future using established digital skills frameworks for building capability in the VET sector.

Glimpsing the Future: Why supply chain careers just became cool
Paul Walsh, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Industry Standards
Day 2, Session 2

As supply chains branch into every aspect of our lives, it is becoming clear that many of the new and emerging skills are common across industries.  This session will showcase the 10 cross-sector Supply Chain Skill Sets that have been developed by industry.  It will also provide you with a full picture of the emerging supply chain careers and pathways, and how supply chain skills will enable people to move between industries, along with different aspects of a supply chain and work in countries around the globe.

VET Reforms, COVID-19 and the Future of the RTO
Peter Doukas OAM, Managing Director, Denison Toyer Education Lawyers
Day 2, Session 4

Between 1 July 2019 and 1 June 2021 the Australian VET Sector has undergone the largest changes in its history.  Impacting upon VET reforms and the way RTOs manage compliance, this presentation will look at the way the reformed VET sector manages RTO compliance in practice, what this looks like to an RTO using practical examples and how the sector will recover and return to profitability after the Pandemic.

Whether you have a face-2-face ticket or are a Virtual Attender, if RTO Management is the PD theme of value to you and your RTO, check out the above sessions throughout these 2 exciting conference days!

Take me to the full #2021NVC Program

If you haven't bagged a ticket to attend yet, feel free to use the button below to register.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Register for the #2021 National VET Conference

Date posted Jul 15, 2021

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