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Highest Funding for Skills and Training in Australian History!

Highest Funding for Skills and Training in Australian History! image

Given the massive demand for skilled workers it is also a great reminder that it is never too late to take up a new trade or to upskill through Australia's world-class vocational education and training sector.

Minister for Employment, Workforce, Skills, Small and Family Business, Stuart Robert, said "Whether it is on nation-building projects like the Western Sydney Airport or Inland Rail, in TV programs like 'The Block' or 'MasterChef', or indeed in the seemingly endless streams on Instagram and TikTok, everywhere you look Australians are making a difference by doing incredible things with world-leading skills developed here in our backyard.

"This National Skills Week is a chance for all Australians to consider having a crack at vocational education and training," Minister Robert continued, "and remind everyone about the amazing opportunities a skilled career can generate for you and your family.

"These opportunities are guaranteed by the Morrison Government which is backing Australians to take up new skills with the highest spend on skills and training in Australia's history, $6.4 billion just this financial year.  This includes a two-year extension of the $2 billion JobTrainer fund, offering free or low-fee training to Australians, jointly funded with state and territory governments.  To date the JobTrainer fund has supported over 230,000 Australians upskill and break into new career opportunities.

This significant milestone demonstrates JobTrainer is seeing hundreds of thousands of Australians make use of the skills and training pathways guaranteed through record levels of federal funding. It is a key part of the Morrison Government’s effort to secure a new pipeline of skilled Australian workers in support of the economic recovery from COVID-19. 

"I would encourage all Australians to consider taking up an apprenticeship or a traineeship because taking up a skill or a trade sets you on a path for a rewarding career and a well-paid job today and tomorrow." Minister Robert said.

The Morrison Government has also this week released the top JobTrainer courses across the country.  Five of the 10 most popular JobTrainer courses have been in qualifications related to care sectors, including aged care, disability care and early childhood care.

The JobTrainer Fund is delivered under partnership between the Commonwealth and state and territory governments.  Since the extension to JobTrainer was announced in the 2021-22 Budget, all States and Territories have indicated an intent to participate. 

To find out more information on free or low-fee courses offered through JobTrainer, visit

For further information access the below media releases:

Date posted Aug 26, 2021

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