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How Can We Add Value to Competency Based Training?

How Can We Add Value to Competency Based Training? image

On the 29th March 2023, the National Centre for Vocational Education Research is presenting a FREE webinar on Adding value to competency-based training (CBT).

Competency-based training (CBT) has been fundamental to how accredited VET is delivered in Australia over the last 30 years or so, and over this time, both advocates and critics of this approach have emerged. 

Taking the format of a panel discussion, this webinar will cover issues highlighted in a recent NCVER publication on CBT, including whether there is a need to have a broader conception of what it means to be competent, one that explicitly acknowledges the importance of ‘non-technical’ skills and capabilities.  

This session also explores what would this mean for the capabilities required by trainers to teach and assess non-technical competencies. 

Other questions to be explored in the discussion are whether the CBT approach should be applied to all qualifications and whether there is a place for graded or proficiency-based assessment. 

Where relevant, the relationship between these issues and elements of the Commonwealth government’s proposed new qualification model may be explored.

Register for the webinar here

Date posted Mar 23, 2023

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