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JSCs are a network of industry-owned and led organisations that will bring together employers and unions to work in partnership with governments and the education and training sectors.
JSCs will help inform and advise both vocational and tertiary sectors about the existing and emerging skills needs of our economy.
Nine of the JSCs are now operational, with the latest five being:
The tenth JSC will be Building Construction and Property, operated by BuildSkills Australia, and will be fully operational in the coming months. It will work closely with employers and unions to address workforce issues in the building, construction and property sectors.
Minister for Skills and Training, the Hon. Brendan O'Connor said, “The JSCs will ensure we have a collaborative, tripartite skills sector that brings all parties to the table to ensure Australians are supported into decent, secure jobs now and in the years ahead. JSCs are crucial in making sure industry has the right skills to support a prosperous and harmonious economy.”
Over the initial months, the JSCs will focus on recruiting staff and establishing their operations to ensure they are best positioned to provide the highest-quality engagement with industry and stakeholders and on developing future focused workforce plans for their industries.
The new JSCs will address skills challenges such as transforming the economy to achieve net zero emissions and supporting the care and support sector workforce, which will be key to the delivery of quality care to Australians now and into the future.
More information on the JSCs and the new industry engagement arrangements can be found at Industry Engagement Reforms (DEWR).
Read the full Ministers' Media Centre Release here.
Date posted Jul 20, 2023
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