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USI account holders can access their VET outcomes online in the form of an authenticated USI VET transcript – an Australian Government verified document that draws on information reported by providers to the national VET data collection.
Education or training providers can use the USI Registry System to access VET transcripts of students to check their nationally accredited training, including the courses they have completed and the qualifications they have attained since 2015. This information can help you to advise and support your students to make informed decisions about training options. It’s easy to do and saves you time when the student is unsure of their previous training or can’t find their original documentation.
Being able to view transcripts can help with:
Additionally, as an employer, you can use VET transcripts to assist you in your own recruitment process by verifying the qualifications presented by applicants and ensuring you are hiring qualified candidates who have the necessary skills and knowledge for the role.
The USI VET transcript can help to ensure the quality of the training and support you provide, as well as the qualifications of the candidates you hire.
To access a student’s VET transcript, you will need their permission and their USI. Once you have this information, you can easily access their training history online.
The USI VET Transcript Service allows the student to choose who can view their VET transcript and how it is viewed. The student can give permission to a third party (such as a potential employer, employment agency or licensing body) to view an extract - where the student selects exactly which training to display - or their full transcript.
Giving permission to a training provider or third party to view their VET transcript is an option students can exercise at any time, including removing or modifying permissions already granted and for how long for.
To find out more about the USI, visit
The Student Identifiers Registrar is responsible for administering the Unique Student Identifier (USI) initiative nationally and manages the USI Registry System, which creates and stores USIs; and helps students and education or training providers access the USI Registry System to create, find, verify and update USIs securely.
Access Velg Training's full eZine magazine here.
Date posted Aug 3, 2023
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