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Let's Play!

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Not sure how to cross the hexagram that is assessment validation?

It all starts with an opening move coupled with strategies for the best multi-hop path.

Just like in jump chess, where precision matters, we need to ensure each move in our assessment system counts to reach the home corner of consistently valid judgments.

So, how do we zig-zag our way through the myriad of possible move combinations?

Whilst systematic validation of assessment is a requirement of the Standards for RTOs 2015, it is also the perfect opportunity for RTOs to ensure the quality implementation of it's assessment services.

This deep dive webinar delivers a pragmatic approach to conducting effective assessment validation where you will learn methods and techniques for validating assessment tools.

If you're not sure where to start, this real-world, and highly rated session is tailor-made for you.

Our expert, Alan Maguire, will help you get all your opening moves right. He's here to take you through a 10-step process for conducting validation and fine-tuning your assessment tools for success.

I'm Ready to See the Whole Board!

Date posted Oct 5, 2023

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