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Message From Our CEO: Thank You For The Last 10 Years!
Oct 12, 2023
Skilling the Nation for the Future
Oct 12, 2023
Looking to Unlock the Secret to Assessment Completions?
Oct 12, 2023
VET Regulator News and Updates
Oct 12, 2023
Thank You to Our Silver Sponsor: Edutemps
Oct 12, 2023
Strengthening Engagement Between the HE and VET Sectors
Oct 12, 2023
Top Jobs in Demand Have VET Pathways
Oct 12, 2023
Stamping Out Dodgy VET Providers
Oct 12, 2023
Jobs and Skills Councils & Training Package News
Oct 12, 2023
Your VET Newsletters, Publications and Media Releases for 12 October 2023
Oct 12, 2023
RTO Works: Quality is Important to You, Us Too.
Oct 12, 2023
It's elementary, my dear educators...
Dr.Deniese Cox, the go-to source for online teaching strategies, has recently emerged from the fog of an extensive 12-month research expedition.
She went undercover to discover insights into students' assessment perceptions and behaviours and ended up unpacking all the hidden clues that might explain why they only complete half a question or give you a throw-away answer!
Stunned by how often incomplete assessments are submitted and the workload this creates for educators, she spent months working with students to get to the bottom of it and many more with educators to trial different strategies.
Her research sheds some incredible light on student engagement and completion and how implementing these strategies significantly reduced resubmissions and increased learner completions.
A riddle solved by Dr. Cox's meticulous investigation!
Drawing on those research findings, during this interactive 90-minute webinar you’ll learn:
We know you don’t want to miss out on this one, so join her this November, where she will share her findings and provide you with practical things you can do immediately to make a difference.
Date posted Oct 12, 2023
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