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  VRQA: Annual declaration of compliance

Under Guideline 5 of the VRQA Guidelines for VET Providers, registered training organisations (RTOs) are required to complete an annual declaration of compliance and submit it to the VRQA by 1 April each year.

  The New TAE Is On Its Way!

Well, we've been waiting, providing all our feedback across a range of draft materials and finally, it is being uploaded to the national register of VET as we speak!

  Marine Biology for the Fisherfolks

Envirotech Education talks to Velg Training in the latest eZine publication, about how they are leading research, development, export, and delivery of the first Marine Habitat Conservation and Restoration VET Australian Accreditation Frameworks.

  The 2023 National Student Outcomes Survey is underway!

Managed by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), the survey monitors the experiences and outcomes of VET students, including their reasons for training, employment outcomes, satisfaction with training and further study outcomes.

  New Legislation to Block Dodgy Providers

On Thursday 1 June 2017, Minister for Education and Training the Hon. Simon Birmingham introduced new legislation to stop dodgy former Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers from transitioning their operations into the higher education and international education sectors.

  CEO Early Bird Registration Closes in One Week

Business development, human resource management, marketing, innovation, and entrepreneurship all play their own part in the growth of a successful RTO. That’s why we’ve got a conference specifically for VET CEOs.

  Brand New Assessment Workshop

Join Joe Newberry for this workshop designed to enhance the capability of VET practitioners in the development of competency based assessment. Workshops will be held in Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney.

  Find Out What's On

Thinking about what to see at the National VET Conference? Each week until the event, we will give an overview of the presenters and topics for each room of each stream on offer.

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  • This 1.5 hour webinar is from our suite of Your Way offerings. Gain insights into practical ways to create an inclusive learning environment for neurodiverse students and the broader benefits of integrating neurodiversity awareness and support into their RTO and programs.

    PD Your Way 

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