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Blog: What to do while in Adelaide for the #2018NVC
Jul 2, 2018
Weekly Feature from the Knowledge Hub: Human Resources
Jul 4, 2018
Updates from the National VET Regulator
Jul 4, 2018
Find Out What's On
Jul 4, 2018
Australian Government Response to the NVETR Act 2011 Review
Jul 4, 2018
New Projects Approved for AIS
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Update from Skills Impact
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Government-funded Training Enrolments Decline
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School to Work Transition Program Leads to Apprenticeship for Sunshine Coast Student
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2018 Student Outcomes Survey Promotional Kit
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VET Newsletters – 5 July 2018
Jul 4, 2018
Latest Publications - 5 July 2018
Jul 4, 2018
Media Releases - 5 July 2018
Jul 4, 2018
We hope you’ve enjoyed this abridged version of our weekly Member eNews
Jul 4, 2018
With a little over 8 weeks to go until the biggest VET event of the year, it’s time to start introducing the players. This year, there will be nine different streams across two days of PD-packed sessions.
This week we showcase RTO Management & Compliance - Hall B: This stream provides a wide range of topics related to both management and compliance from a management perspective. This includes leadership, managing people, managing resources, compliance with standards related to the overall RTO, privacy and national funding arrangements.
Session Title: Presenter: | What's in your RTO Suitcase? Tamara Simon |
Tamara Simon is the Simple Systems Specialist who’s all about solving problems with simple systems. A very popular Speaker, Author and Troubleshooter who calls it like it is; Tamara specialises in helping RTOs get CLEAR on their Business, People and Systems so the business is simple, profitable and one everyone actually loves. With over 20 years’ experience in VET and business management including FITAB CEO, Tamara’s mantra to RTOs is “if you don’t like compliance and don’t like change, then don’t work for an RTO or be one”. Tamara has written the first business book specifically for RTOs: The Five Little RTO Pigs and also launched Australia’s first 12 Week RTO Business Accelerator Program. Tamara’s leadership and management expertise was recognised as a Finalist in the Queensland Telstra Business Women’s Awards and AIM’s Excellence Awards; and receiving QITC’s ‘Leadership in VET’ Award. |
Session Title: Presenter: | Life (and Business) After ASQA Sanctions Alex Schroder |
Alex Schroder is a VET Forensic Compliance Auditor, founder and CEO of VetPrep Australia and the architect of the Certificate IV of RTO Compliance and the Diploma of RTO Compliance Management. Alex has worked in Learning and Development, Quality Assurance, Compliance and Auditing since the early 2000s and has focused solely on VET Compliance since the late 2000s. She leads the team of Compliance Rectification Specialists at VetPrep, is recognised as a Subject Matter Expert by the AAT and holds qualifications in Law, Commerce, International Economics, Quality Management, Organisational and Leadership Change and Development, and Business. |
Session Title: Presenter: | Moving your Leadership Dial: Why we all need to step up - and where to start Mark Hodgson |
Mark Hodgson comes from a successful corporate background and has held senior leadership roles in Australasia, UK, Central Europe and Russia. Mark draws on a powerful track record backed by a depth of learning across multiple disciplines. He has inspired large teams across a range of commercial and not-for-profit businesses. He is a leader of the About My Brain Institute, which puts neuroscience at the heart of effective personal leadership development. Mark is also a faculty member for the Thought Leaders Business School, helping experts positioning themselves as leading influencers. He is an expert in leading change and holds an MBA level qualification from the AGSM. Mark is the creator of the Blog or Die! Content creation program and authors the acclaimed business blog, Pinch of Thought. His book, ‘Time to Shine: Adapting who you are and what you know to succeed in the ideas economy’ expands on this thinking. |
Session Title: Presenter: | Dealing with Difficult People and Giving Effective Feedback Nick McEwan-Hall |
Nick McEwan-Hall has been a longstanding and robust contributor to the VET sector for over 17 years. Having started his career in Secondary Schools, he transitioned into VET and gained experience in many different areas. His knowledge of the training and education system is highly acclaimed Australia wide, and he has led small to multi-national RTOs and NPOs through external audits through his ability to break down complexities in a practical way. Nick has volunteered for the Board of Governance at the Fitzroy Learning Network to alleviate learning gaps and lack of opportunities, and won the “Whitelion Chairperson’s Award for Employment” in 2012. Currently, he manages ‘The Open Door Coaching Group’ and runs his own consulting practices ‘Latitude Coaching’ and ‘AVETMESS’. Nick is a fun and straightforward presenter and strikes an elusive balance between theory, practicality, humour and meaningful activity. |
Session Title: Presenters: | More Data Coming Your Way... To help you make better business decisions Alison Anlezark & Toni Cavallaro |
Alison Anlezark is the National Standards Manager, at the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER). In this role, she is responsible for ensuring NCVER’s products and services keep pace with the changing needs of the VET sector, having oversight of the statistical standards, NCVER’s data quality program and NCVER’s client support team. Toni Cavallaro is the National Collections Manager, at the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER). She has extensive experience in the collection and analysis of VET data. Toni is responsible for overseeing NCVER’s major administrative data collections including the apprentice and trainee, students and courses, and finance/funding collections on behalf of the national VET system. |
Session Title: Presenter: | Do you want to Party? Third party arrangements! Carol Hunter |
Carol Hunter is the Principal of RTO Services and Consulting. Her experience in management in the VET sector in Queensland includes Director, Training Quality and Regulation; Manager, Audit Services; and Manager, Training Secretariat to Training and Employment Recognition Council and Training Employment Board (Queensland) within the Department of Education and Training. Carol has also worked in operational roles in both public and private RTOs, in policy and curriculum development; and as a secondary school teacher. |
Session Title: Presenter: | Connecting the Quality Dots: How to ensure your RTO is humming Maria Langwell |
Maria Langwell has worked within the vocational education and training (VET) sector for over 30 years, commencing within TAFE NSW. Within this organisation, Maria held several positions, from Head of the Labour Market Programs Unit at Blacktown Institute of TAFE, through to her final role as General Manager, Strategic Planning and Policy for Western Sydney Institute. On her relocation to Melbourne, Maria worked within the Victorian public service, as the Manager of several priority VET and employment services and programs, such as the Youth Employment Scheme (Victoria’s flagship youth traineeship program), Community Based Employment (CBE) Program, and the Victorian industry training advisory bodies (ITaBs). Her last appointment in the public service was as the Manager, Funded Programs, where Maria was responsible for funding the VET private RTO sector through its user choice and other VET programs. |
Date posted Jul 4, 2018
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