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  VET CEO Speaker Profile — Gerry Gannon

In the lead up to the VET CEO Conference, we will be featuring one presenter from our impressive program each fortnight to help you prepare for this exclusive event. This fortnight’s showcase is on Gerry Gannon, Australia’s leading conference facilitator and corporate MC, and the 2017 VET CEO Conference Master of Ceremonies.

  Completion Rates in VET on the Rise

New data estimates that 47% of VET programs started in 2016 at certificate I or above will be completed, according to data released by NCVER.

  Review Confirms Success of VET Student Loans

An announcement from the Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills, the Hon. Karen Andrews, has described the VET Student Loans program as “well targeted” and that it has addressed “the flaws that existed under the former VET-FEE HELP scheme”.

  VET CEO Speaker Profile — Darrel Vecchio

In the lead up to the VET CEO Conference, we will be featuring one presenter from our impressive program each fortnight to help you prepare for this exclusive event. This fortnight’s showcase is on Darrel Vecchio, CEO of Bizmatrix Group. Join Darrel at the 2017 VET CEO Conference as he takes you on a voyage of discovery and shares his story on becoming an educator and CEO.

  Volume 11 VET eZine Now Available

‘Staying Connected in VET’ is your free full-colour, responsive and engaging publication that will educate, inspire and empower your RTO to continue to build quality in VET. The latest volume is now released and ready to view.

  Brand New Velg2Go Course: The VET Landscape

This brand new Velg2Go online course provides participants with an introduction to the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector as it stands today and is an ideal course to incorporate into any RTO’s induction program.

  NCVER VET Knowledge Bank

This VET Knowledge Bank provides key information and statistics which give a holistic overview of the VET Sector to inform readers while getting to know VET as it stands today

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