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  VET Workforce Study (2024)

The VET Workforce Study highlights the challenges and opportunities and provides the data and evidence that informed the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations’ VET Workforce Blueprint.

  NCVER VET Knowledge Bank

The VET Knowledge Bank contains a suite of products capturing Australia's diverse, complex and ever-changing vocational education and training (VET) system. It aims to provide a collected memory of VET reference information. The VET Knowledge Bank is a living, growing resource.

  A Resilient VET Sector Holding Steady

Australia’s vocational education and training (VET) system is showing its strength and resilience with the latest 2017 data showing student numbers are steady at 4.2 million.

  VET Workforce Blueprint (2024)

The VET Workforce Blueprint has been developed in collaboration with states and territories to provide a roadmap to grow, support and sustain the VET workforce.

  Virtual VET Summit Recordings Now Available!

Did you miss out on the 2017 Virtual VET Summit? High definition recordings of the 10 individual sessions are now available for purchase from the Velg Training Knowledge Hub! These products include the online video recording, a PDF copy of the PowerPoint presentation and additional electronic resources.

  VET CEO Speaker Profile — Keith Abraham

In the lead up to the VET CEO Conference, we will be featuring one presenter from our impressive program each fortnight to help you prepare for this exclusive event. This fortnight’s showcase is on Keith Abraham, world premier thought leader on passionate performance and building passion-based cultures. To learn how to bring the best out of your workers and yourself, come along to Keith’s keynote presentation, Creating Loyal Passionate Customers for your Business, at the 2017 VET CEO Conference!

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