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Weekly Feature from the Knowledge Hub: Student Files
Mar 15, 2018
Updates from the National VET Regulator
Mar 15, 2018
2018 NVC Program Released: Book now to secure a discounted rate!
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Update from SSO SkillsIQ
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WANTED: Stakeholder Input for Implementation of VET Student Loans
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‘Sweet As’ for this Bright Spark from Proserpine
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Notifiable Data Breaches Scheme
Mar 15, 2018
VET Newsletters – 15 March 2018
Mar 15, 2018
Latest Publications – 15 March 2018
Mar 15, 2018
Media Releases – 15 March 2018
Mar 15, 2018
ASQA’s Training Provider Briefings will return for a third year and be hosted at 13 metropolitan and regional locations across Australia. Two webcasts will also be held allowing those training providers who are unable to attend a briefing in-person to participate from anywhere in the world. The briefings will again discuss important compliance-related issues and provide an insight into the work being undertaken by ASQA to maintain and enhance quality in the VET sector.
For the first time ASQA will also host a briefing targeted specifically at VET sector consultants and advisors. With more training providers engaging the services of consultants and advisors in order to achieve and maintain compliance, this webcast will provide an opportunity to engage directly with the VET regulator and receive targeted advice.
Accredited course owners and developers will also have the opportunity to obtain a deeper understanding of the requirements or accredited courses and how to strength the quality and integrity of applications to accredit a course with a dedicated webcast. The webcast will also focus on establishing true industry need and support for accredited courses.
Importantly, the sessions will also include plenty of opportunities to ask questions of the ASQA staff in attendance.
Registrations for the events are essential and can be made by visiting this website.
Each webcast will be recorded and uploaded to ASQA’s YouTube channel for future reference.
Details of when and where the briefings will be held are:
Training Provider Briefings
Accredited Course Owner and Developer Briefing
VET Sector Consultant and Advisor Briefing
The national register of vocational education and training (VET),, has updated the listing format for providers that withdraw their registration as a provider of VET.
From 5 March 2018, providers who withdraw their registration will be listed on the national register with the status ‘withdrawn’ and the end reason ‘registration was withdrawn by the NVR RTO’. Previously these providers were updated with the status ‘cancelled’ and end reason ‘registration period was cancelled with consent of the organisation’.
This update is to allow for a more accurate reflection of the type of closure that took place and to better inform the public and relevant stakeholders.
The change to the register will be retroactive, meaning that for relevant training providers, their listed status and end reason will be updated.
For more information, you can view the:
Date posted Mar 15, 2018
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