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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

The aim of RPL is to formally recognise existing competencies without having to go through the complete training process.


Moderation is an activity aimed at bringing assessment judgements into alignment and is a quality control process.

Records Management

Records management is an important activity in an RTO as it ensures that records are created, stored securely and preserved for as long as they are needed.

Training Packages

It is essential that RTO staff know how to access information about relevant Training Packages, so that they can stay up-to-date with the requirements for training and assessment.

Learner Support

RTOs need to identify any particular requirements a student may have, and then, where needs are identified, formulate strategies to make support available to the student.


Certification is formal confirmation of a person’s competency, this means there must be steps taken to maintain the integrity of an RTO’s processes for issuing this official documentation.

Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA)

The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) is the national regulator for Australia’s VET sector.

Assessment Systems

Strategies, practices, policies and procedures combine to make up an RTO’s assessment system.


eLearning is the delivery of online learning and assessment and, whilst this method of learning has been around for some time, it has, in recent times, become a more essential blended learning component. For information and guidance on how to navigate the online training terrain and apply eLearning strategies across your own programs, you are here provided with a range of webinar topics and links which will guide you, enhance your understanding and dispel any fears you may have when transferring your skills from one platform to another.

Queensland Schools

This page specifically applies to schools in Queensland who are school RTOs in their own right or to those RTOs who deliver VET in Queensland Schools.

National Programs and Events

There are national level awards and events especially designed to promote VET as an education and skills pathway, and to celebrate effort and achievement within VET.


Assessment validation is a quality review process that should always be conducted against assessment tools prior to, during and after use.

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