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Industry Engagement

A process used to ensure that assessment reflects current industry practise, Industry Engagement can offer multiple benefits for the RTO as well as the wider VET sector.

Training Packages

It is essential that RTO staff know how to access information about relevant Training Packages, so that they can stay up-to-date with the requirements for training and assessment.

Training Packages

Designed to be industry and sector skills specific, Training Packages are an integrated set of nationally endorsed Units of Competency, AQF qualifications and assessment guidelines that outline the expected outcomes of training.

Assessment Tools

An ‘assessment tool’ is defined as both “the instrument(s) and procedures used to gather and interpret evidence of competence”.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

The aim of RPL is to formally recognise existing competencies without having to go through the complete training process.

VET Quality Framework (VQF) - Australia wide

The VET Quality Framework (VQF) is a set of standards and conditions used by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), the national VET regulator, to assess whether registered training organisations (RTOs) under its jurisdiction meet the requirements for registration. To obtain and retain registration, RTOs must comply with each of the elements and their associated components.


Coversheets are an essential component of an assessment tool and serve as a way to capture and record important information.

International Students

There are specific requirements for education and training providers who wish to be registered to deliver to international students.

Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA)

The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) is the national regulator for Australia’s VET sector.

Informing Learners

Information for prospective learners must be clear, current and factual. Timing and methods of delivering this information should also be considered.

Training and Assessment Strategies (TAS)

A TAS is a framework that identifies the structure for the way in which a training product is delivered to learners and the way assessment will occur.

Third Party and Partnership Arrangements

RTOs are responsible for all services delivered on their behalf, therefore should have written third-party or partnership agreements in place to monitor all parties’ compliance with the Standards.

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