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Sales and Marketing

RTOs must balance their sales and growth needs with specific requirements and allowable practices related to the marketing of their training products and services.

Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA)

Responsible for providing advice to the Australian Government to underpin Australia’s response to current, emerging and future labour market and workforce skills and training needs.

System Basics

‘System Basics’ gives a break-down of the interconnected functions, frameworks and entities in Australia’s VET sector.


Assessment needs to adequately cover all aspects of a unit of competency and its associated assessment requirements. Mapping is the process of checking and recording all necessary information is addressed.

Skill Sets and Microcredentials

Skill Sets are a single Unit of Competency or combinations of Units of Competency from an endorsed Training Package, which link to a licensing or regulatory requirement, or a defined industry need or job role. Micro-credentials are small, certification-style courses that focus on a particular area of study to hone proficiency over the shortest possible time.

Artificial Intelligence

Valuable information, tools, and supportive links to navigate the evolving landscape of AI in education.

Victorian Registration & Qualifications Authority (VRQA)

The Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) is the body responsible for regulating RTOs in Victoria.

Quality Assurance (Self Assurance & Auditing)

Quality Assurance gives confidence that the quality requirements of a product or service are being fulfilled. All RTOs should ensure their operations are quality assured so that quality VET delivery is maintained.

Funding Arrangements

Knowing what qualifications are listed for funding contracts, and what threshold amounts are, is vital when looking to secure this type of income stream for your RTO.

Training and Accreditation Council (TAC)

The Training Accreditation Council (TAC) is the body responsible for regulating RTOs in Western Australia.

VET Legislation and Frameworks

There are various pieces of legislation, guidelines and benchmarks that govern training and assessment activities, and VET practitioners need to understand these requirements.

Delivery of Training

Delivering training takes planning and preparation to ensure all resources, rooms and content is accounted for.

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