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Working Under Supervision

When a Registered Training Organisation employs someone who is not a trainer and assessor to deliver and assess training, specific working arrangements, qualifications and other compliance requirements must be considered and applied. This is part of ‘Working Under Supervision’.

Key Organisations

There are a number of key organisations in Australia’s National VET System, including those that develop, deliver, regulate and research VET in Australia.

Student Files

RTOs must collect and keep information on their students’ learning activities. Considerations include the creation, maintenance, storage and access requirements associated with those files.

Complaints and Appeals

All RTOs should have a policy and procedures in place for how they will deal with complaints and/or appeals of results.

Sales and Marketing

RTOs must balance their sales and growth needs with specific requirements and allowable practices related to the marketing of their training products and services.

Foundation Skills

Foundation Skills are a combination of communication and employability skills. Trainers may need specialist support services to assist students to develop Foundation Skills.


Assessment needs to adequately cover all aspects of a unit of competency and its associated assessment requirements. Mapping is the process of checking and recording all necessary information is addressed.


Recruitment is about finding the right people with the right experience, qualifications and attitude to help the business succeed.

Informing Learners

Information for prospective learners must be clear, current and factual. Timing and methods of delivering this information should also be considered.

Government Organisations

Aside from regulators, researchers and approval and/or governing bodies, there are government organisations with responsibility to implement and uphold the quality delivery of vocational training.

VET Student Loans

VET Student Loans is the loan system under which eligible students can access selected higher level Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications.

Other Schools

This page specifically applies to schools outside of Queensland who offer VET within their curriculum.

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