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Quality Indicators

All RTOs need to report annually on their performance against Quality Indicators.

Volume of Learning and Amount of Training

Specific information around the concepts of Volume of Learning and Amount of Training

Compliance Chats

As a member you get access to our Monthly Compliance Chats service

National Programs and Events

There are national level awards and events especially designed to promote VET as an education and skills pathway, and to celebrate effort and achievement within VET.

Core Skills for Work Framework (CSfW)

The CSfW is a framework that describes the non-technical skills and capabilities which are considered essential for successful participation in work.

Fees and Refunds

All RTOs must be explicit about their policies for collecting fees from students, and the conditions under which refunds may be issued.

Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)

The AQF applies in all states and territories and describes the standards for regulated Australian qualifications delivered through schools, higher education institutions and RTOs.


Checklists can be designed for almost any purpose and are effective tools for recording assessment judgements.

Foundation Skills

Foundation Skills are a combination of communication and employability skills. Trainers may need specialist support services to assist students to develop Foundation Skills.

Credit Transfer and Articulation Arrangements

Credit transfer is the process of awarding a student credit for learning outcomes they already have achieved.

Awards and Recognition

In recognition of outstanding achievement and performance in the VET sector, there are a number of competitions and awards that celebrate excellence in VET.

Research Organisations

There are key organisations that research activity within, and about, education and VET in Australia.

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