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Records Management

Records management is an important activity in an RTO as it ensures that records are created, stored securely and preserved for as long as they are needed.


Coversheets are an essential component of an assessment tool and serve as a way to capture and record important information.

Artificial Intelligence

Valuable information, tools, and supportive links to navigate the evolving landscape of AI in education.


Standard Seven of the Standards for RTOs 2015 mandates that RTOs should have “effective governance and administration arrangements in place”.

State-based Funding

Funding is available from State and Territory governments to approved RTOs for delivery of VET.

Units of Competency

A Unit of Competency is the smallest component of a Training Package that can be assessed and recognised. It gives a description of the skills and knowledge required to perform effectively to a specific standard in a particular workplace role or function.

VET Student Loans

VET Student Loans is the loan system under which eligible students can access selected higher level Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications.

State-based Awards Programs

There are awards to recognise the achievements of individuals and organisations in VET at a state and territory level.

Jobs and Skills Councils (JSCs)

Jobs and Skills Councils (JSCs) have four broad functions and responsibilities, including: workforce planning; training product development; implementation, promotion and monitoring; and industry stewardship.

Transition Arrangements

There are certain RTO activities that must be completed in set timeframes when a training product is superseded, removed or deleted from the national VET register.

Assessment Tools

An ‘assessment tool’ is defined as both “the instrument(s) and procedures used to gather and interpret evidence of competence”.

Industry Engagement

A process used to ensure that assessment reflects current industry practise, Industry Engagement can offer multiple benefits for the RTO as well as the wider VET sector.

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