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VET Basics

‘VET basics’ takes a simple approach to explain the fundamental elements of VET.

Informing Learners

Information for prospective learners must be clear, current and factual. Timing and methods of delivering this information should also be considered.


The Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information Statistical Standard (AVETMISS) outlines the format required for the submission of descriptive data about students and their study activities.

Student Enrolment

Certain information is required from students when they enrol and are formally admitted to a course of study.

Example RPL Tool Kits

Although not current, these RPL kits provide a terrific starting point for resource developers.


This page includes the research and reports for 2023


This page includes the research and reports for 2024

Credential Policy

The Credential Policy outlines the credentials required for trainers and assessors undertaking particular training and assessment activities or roles. RTOs must comply with the Credential Policy (as referenced within the Standards) to ensure training is delivered by properly qualified and credentialed people.


Checklists can be designed for almost any purpose and are effective tools for recording assessment judgements.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

The aim of RPL is to formally recognise existing competencies without having to go through the complete training process.


Moderation is an activity aimed at bringing assessment judgements into alignment and is a quality control process.

VET Quality Framework (VQF) - Australia wide

The VET Quality Framework (VQF) is a set of standards and conditions used by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), the national VET regulator, to assess whether registered training organisations (RTOs) under its jurisdiction meet the requirements for registration. To obtain and retain registration, RTOs must comply with each of the elements and their associated components.

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