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Institute in Educational Research (IIER) - reports and articles (site link)

Issues in Educational Research is a refereed academic research journal founded by the Western Australian Institute for Educational Research in 1991. From 1995, IIER has been published jointly by Australia's Institutes for Educational Research in New South Wales, South Australia and Western Australia.

Building Confidence in Your RTO's Services - How learner and employer feedback can help

ACER’s website link to an AQTF 2007 guide on Building Confidence in Your RTO's Services - How learner and employer feedback can help

Smart and Skilled Fee Administration Policy 2019

NSW Government website link to the Fee Administration Policy 2019 for Smart and Skilled

High-performing and positive workplaces (2022)

Find tools and information to help you create a working environment that: creates satisfied and engaged employees; increases productivity and profitibility; lowers staff turnover and related costs.

Velg Training Queensland School RTO Annual Checklist

A descriptive checklist of essential ‘to do’ items for both RTO Managers and VET Teachers working within Queensland School RTOs.

Trade Training Centres in Schools Program

Australian Government website for Trade Training Centres in Schools

Skilled. Thriving. Connected - Policy Direction for Skills in South Australia (2024)

The Policy Direction for Skills in South Australia sets out a clear response to immediate skills needs and signals how they will support South Australians to engage in education and training and transition into secure, well-paid jobs.

Qld User Choice funding and pricing

Qld Government website link to the User Choice qualification and price list.

Future Directions Paper for Australian Apprenticeship Support Services (2023)

Stakeholders are invited to provide feedback on the proposed Australian Apprenticeship Support Services model elements outlined in the Future Directions Paper.

Evaluating machine learning for projecting completion rates for VET programs (2023)

This paper summarises exploratory analysis undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of using machine learning approaches to calculate projected completion rates for vocational education and training (VET) programs, and compares this with the current approach used at the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) — Markov chains methodology.

Record of Industry Engagement for TAS example template

An example template that could be used to record industry engagement relating to the TAS

Issues Paper Improving fairness in written agreements between international students and Australian education providers (2022)

This paper reports on trends in complaints and broader issues in international education. It raises a number of concerns with the language and contractual terms being used by providers in their written agreements.

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