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Four Ways to Improve your RTO
May 24, 2017
This Week at Velg HQ
May 24, 2017
Final Day to Register for 2017 VET CEO Conference
May 25, 2017
USI Transcript Service Now Available
May 25, 2017
Is VET the Key to Future Proofing Australia’s Economy?
May 25, 2017
Going to the 2017 NVC? Attend a Master Class!
May 25, 2017
Coming Soon – 2017 National Student Outcomes Survey
May 25, 2017
THE Conference Program Released!
May 25, 2017
Coming Soon to a City Near You? Elyce Explores Darwin!
May 25, 2017
Women’s Leadership Development Funding Opportunity
May 25, 2017
Applications Open for Jobs First Employment Projects
May 25, 2017
VET Newsletters 25 May 2017
May 25, 2017
Media Releases 25 May 2017
May 25, 2017
Get even more out of your National VET Conference experience by attending a Master Class on Wednesday 13 September 2017.
This year we have four exciting sessions exploring quality engagement, compliance, training and assessment planning and how to fall in love with work again.
‘Quality’ has always been, and will continue to be, defined by the customer and motivated by their needs – not ours.
No matter what a customer wants, they expect their personal minimum requirements to be met. And it’s no different when it comes to engaging them in learning.
This Master Class will focus on answering the following questions:
This workshop will explore the concept of understanding the difference between compliance and non-compliance against the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 and, where, sometimes, this is blurry and subjective. It will include an analysis of the common Standards that are examined in a Renewal of Registration Audit and use a series of scenario-based discussion activities to encourage participant engagement and deepen understanding of the topic.
Which side of the sharp edge are you on?
Are you a frustrated, mid-career, mid-life VET leader looking for a change? Are you worried that you're at a dead end, you risk redundancy, or are you simply fed up with going through the motions? If so, it's time to discover your Second Half Hero.
Many of us are anxious, unfulfilled and dissatisfied with ourselves, our companies and our work. We know we want to and need to change but don’t know how.
In this enjoyable and challenging workshop, transformation expert, Mark Hodgson, will help you to understand where you want to get to, identify what's holding you back, bust some common roadblocks and help set a process to fall in love with work again.
This Master Class will share key strategies and practical advice for managing an RTO dedicated to quality training and assessment. It focuses on how to meet the requirements for Standard 1 of the Standards for RTOs 2015. This is the Standard that the majority of RTOs have trouble meeting. A planning guide will be provided for participants to work with during the session.
Still haven’t registered for the 2017 National VET Conference? Head to our website to register today!
For further information, contact the Events team on 07 3866 0888 or
Date posted May 25, 2017
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