As a Member you get access to over 20 hours of additional recorded webinar content.
Message From Our CEO: Thank You For The Last 10 Years!
Nov 5, 2020
Revolutionising the Manufacturing Skills System for Australia
Nov 5, 2020
Want a Free Chat with our VET Compliance Experts?
Nov 5, 2020
Updates from the VET Regulators
Nov 5, 2020
2020 Virtual VET Expo Wrap Up
Nov 3, 2020
Australian Apprenticeships - A Need To Know For Employers
Nov 5, 2020
Infection Control Training Underway
Nov 5, 2020
Inspiring a Passion for Learning Digital Skills
Nov 5, 2020
SSO and Training Package Updates
Nov 5, 2020
VET Newsletters, Publications and Media Releases for 5 November 2020
Nov 5, 2020
If you’ve ever been to our National VET Conference you will know that Velg Training has always made our VET Experts available for an obligation-free, 15-minute Compliance Chat via our Velg Hub, and we are so excited to now be bringing this personalised service to our Members every month.
Being committed to ensuring that you experience the support, guidance and expertise you need - wherever you are based in Australia, we just had to find a way to bring our incredible Velg Hub and VET Experts to you!
Hosted virtually on the third Thursday of each month by two of the most well-respected experts in the industry, John Dwyer and David Garner will give you the guidance you need to conquer your own specific compliance query or issue.
Look at what just some of our October participants had to say about this service ....
Rest assured, a percentage of Compliance Chat Slots will be reserved and allocated taking into account time zones.
We therefore highly recommend that you register your space as soon as you possibly can as the time slots will be filled on a first-in, first-served basis and based on last month's attendance, we anticipate these filling up very quickly!
To register for your complimentary Compliance Chat, you can simply fill in our Registration Form to lodge your interest and provide a bit of detail about your enquiry to ensure our Experts can come to your Chat prepared.
Once your request is received, we will check appointment availability and, if you are successful in securing a Compliance Chat slot, we shall send you an email within 24 hours to confirm your designated 15-minute time slot.
It is quite easy really. The information you provided on your original enquiry form will guide your Compliance Chat and your assigned VET Expert will contact you via Zoom or telephone. Simples!
If you have any further enquiries about Compliance Chats you are very welcome to contact our Consulting Team at or 07 3866 0888.
Date posted Nov 5, 2020
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