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Six Key Areas RTO Works Focuses on When Creating High Quality Off the Shelf Resources

Six Key Areas RTO Works Focuses on When Creating High Quality Off the Shelf Resources image

When you choose RTO Works as your off-the-shelf resource provider, you are choosing quality materials that have been developed by subject matter experts and VET industry professionals who are skilled at the art of instructional design. Below are the 6 key areas RTO Works focuses on to create high-quality training resources.

  • Engaging and practical 

RTO Works focuses on creating engaging training that’s written in a personable tone and has a balance of text, images, and practical activities. Text-heavy resources with few or no activities are unlikely to be engaging for students and reduce the learner’s ability to practically apply the skills and knowledge. Their well-thought-out training activities lead to higher engagement and ensure that students are prepared for their assessments.

  • Holistic approach 

Many resources are written following each performance criterion. This is not always logical or interesting, and it doesn’t provide for easy reading or a natural flow of information.

RTO Works focuses on creating a logical structure that addresses all the aspects of the unit but does not necessarily follow the order of the performance criteria every time. Their experienced resource developers look at the unit holistically, coming up with a structure for the content that makes sense and will facilitate effective student learning – RTO Works doesn’t follow a certain formula as each unit is unique and needs to be treated as such.

  • Using student friendly language rather than unit language

Units of Competency (UOCs) don’t always make sense, so it is important that resource developers make the effort to interpret what is meant and then bring it to life in an interesting, logical and engaging manner.  RTO Works skilled team analyse and decipher the UOC language and then translate it into student-friendly terms.

  • Training is linked to the assessment task 

A quality training resource will be linked to the assessment resource – not created independently. The RTO Works team focuses on ensuring that the training is linked to the assessment tasks so that students gain the knowledge to complete their assessment in an interesting and user-friendly way. This is why they sell learning and assessment packs together in a set and not separately through their e-commerce store

  • Mapped 

RTO Works maps both their learning and assessment resources, so it’s easy to see how the UOC has been covered, which is useful during validation and audit time. A clear and detailed mapping document is essential and is always provided as part of each unit’s learning and assessment package.

  • After sales support

RTO Works won’t leave you in the lurch if you have an issue with a resource – all training materials offered by RTO Works are backed by a Compliance Promise. At no cost to you, they will challenge or rectify any issues that appear during an audit, provided no changes to the original content have been made.

If you’re looking for learning and assessment resources in the areas of Business, Hospitality, IT, Building and Construction, Civil Construction, Community Services, Automotive and Health, including First Aid resources, then look no further than RTO Works. All their training resources can be seamlessly purchased online for your convenience, while they also offer personalised customer support. Visit their online store here.

Date posted Dec 8, 2022

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