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VET News

No Frills: Last Chance to Submit Your Abstracts!

No Frills: Last Chance to Submit Your Abstracts! image

The National Centre for Vocational Education Research looks forward to returning to a face-to-face conference in 2023!

The 32nd National Vocational Education and Training (VET) Research Conference ‘No Frills’  will be held from Wednesday, 19 to Friday, 21 July 2023, at RMIT University Melbourne City Campus (Storey Hall) and will be co-hosted with RMIT University in Melbourne.

'No Frills' is a well-known annual national conference and a key part of NCVER's engagement with the VET sector.

It is an opportunity to showcase research to VET practitioners and build the capacity of researchers. It provides participants with a forum for exchanging ideas and knowledge and to be a part of an event that encourages thought-provoking presentations and opportunities to network in a relaxed and friendly environment.

The conference theme is Skilling Australia’s current and future workforce.

Vocational education and training (VET) will play an integral role in ensuring that Australia has the skilled workforce it needs now and into the future.

But how can we build a resilient VET sector that can address current skills shortages and future challenges? 

And how can VET help prepare all Australians for lifelong learning and long-term employment?

Next year, this Research Conference is looking to explore the answers to those questions and a range of areas current to our sector, including:

  • Skilling workers in priority areas
  • Mastering technology to skill for the future
  • VET and STEM
  • Upskilling and reskilling vocational trainers and assessors
  • Examining different modalities of teaching and learning
  • Accelerating pathways within VET
  • Supporting inclusivity and disadvantaged groups

The program will be made available in March 2023.  If you would like to attend the conference Save The Date now!

If you would like to present at the conference, abstract submissions are due by Friday 10th March 2023.  

Click here for further details.

Sponsorship packages on offer will be available shortly.  Please contact Alice Wilson 08 8230 8451 or if you would like to discuss becoming a sponsor of this event.

Date posted Mar 2, 2023

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