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Australian and QLD Governments Skills Agreement Delivers Results

Australian and QLD Governments Skills Agreement Delivers Results image

Queensland TAFE’s are experiencing a surge in enrolments in Fee-Free courses thanks to a landmark partnership between the Australian and Queensland Governments.

More than 11,000 Queensland students have enrolled in 2023 under the Fee-Free initiative, highlighting the demand for and the importance of access to education and training. 

Qualifications in early childhood education and care; information technology; individual support (disability); nursing and cyber security have seen strong enrolments, adding much needed skills for these priority industries.

These early results are promising, providing opportunities for priority groups in the Queensland community and training workers for critical industries.

Brendan O’Connor, Minister for Skills and Training said, “The encouraging take-up of Fee-Free TAFE and VET courses is a positive sign that people are ready to train for vital industries that will be in demand now and in the future.  Whether it’s in renewable energy, the care sector, technology and digital, hospitality and tourism, construction, agriculture or defence, Fee-Free TAFE and VET and our new energy apprenticeships remove financial barriers for Queenslanders to access training to upskill or reskill for jobs in priority sectors.”

Di Farmer, Queensland's Minister for Training and Skills Development said, “We are delighted to see such a strong take up in the initiative from Queenslanders who are showing their ambition to reach their careers goals, with more than 11,000 students enrolling in the program. Queenslanders enrolling in the Fee-Free TAFE program are showing a particular passion for business, cyber security, education, health, and support services."

Read the full Ministers' Media Centre release here.

Date posted Mar 2, 2023

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